Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Just...(TW: rape, homophobia, child molestation, pedophilia, mention of death, Christianity, sexism, victim-blaming, ableist language, conversion therapy)

I saw the most horrifying conversation about this video. Obviously, the therapist was horrible and deserves to have his license and Ph.D revoked and the boy's parents are absolutely disgusting people for putting their child in conversion therapy. All three of them need to be in prison as far as I'm concerned.

But that's not even the worst of what people have said. Don't read the rest of this post unless you're feeling powerful; even as I write this post, my stomach is twisting up in knots and my hands are shaking so hard I can barely keep from misspelling every word (yay for spell check and fancy education). I'm only doing so because I hope that one day, no one will have to write these posts.

A straight cis Christian man, Pittman STEELE LLC, had this to say: "gay is not normal, it is a Lifestyle, yeah you have the right to do as you please that's between you and God, but dont try to make it normal it has been around for centuries, and it's angering God the whole time!,...and remember when there was no AIDS, look if you want to be Gay be Gay but you don't have to advertise your sexual preference, im straight but I don't have to announce it, our sexual life is Private and it should always be that way, if someone is Gay ok, but don't try to rewrite Scriptures and make a fool of GOD, he didn't want this to be a part of our lives, people chose their Path and thats their right, but at some point you will have to Answer to the ALL MIGHT GOD, read the word it is clear that God wanted no parts of this type of lifestyle, dont get me wrong God didnt want straight men running around shagging every woman they encounter either but im just saying."

1. Being queer isn't a lifestyle. A 'lifestyle' would imply that it's a choice. Which it's not.
I never chose to be bisexual. I never chose to be gray-panromantic. I never chose to be genderfluid. I was just born this way (edit: I wrote this post before Lady Gaga made her transphobic and intersexphobic comments and before I came out to myself as gray-ace). The only thing I chose was to not hate myself.
2. Don't try to make it normal? Why the hell not? Part of the reason queer people are so discriminated against is because straight-ness and cis-ness are considered the default, the norm. And you know what? Let's just get rid of this ridiculous normal concept altogether and celebrate the fact that we're all different and all awesome. But a lot of people get treated like absolute shit and we need to change that. And honestly, marginalized people give no fucks if privileged people feel oppressed by our demanding to be treated with respect and dignity, our trying to "make it normal".
3. Of course he doesn't have to announce his heterosexuality. People are just going to assume it. No one's going to blink if he held hands with his girlfriend in public. But if I held hands in public with mine (if and when I get one) when I'm not passing for male? We are likely to have hateful slurs screamed at us by total strangers or risk being attacked and raped, being denied medical treatment or jobs or the privilege to adopt kids (not that adopting kids is really relevant right now) or service in restaurants and stores.
4. Yes, people's sexual lives are long as they're not queer, apparently.
5. Don't try to rewrite Scriptures? What makes this guy think queer people, many of whom are culturally atheist or Jewish or Muslim or pagan or are culturally Christian but leave Christianity after being discriminated against by straight cis Christians (often straight cis Christians whom they trusted and loved, which makes the whole thing that much more twisted and vile), are at all interested in what the Bible has to say?
6. Who the hell does this guy think he is, thinking he knows what God wants? He's not God. Think about that for a moment. Now repeat it in your mind until you understand. Also, all Christians reading this who 'love homosexuals but hate homosexuality'? Back the fuck off. You're not God. You don't get to tell me or anyone else how to live our lives. You don't get to cause us psychological damage or concern troll or try to force us to conform to your ideals because you want to 'save' us...but many of you do all of that anyway. That shit is not okay.

Freedom of religion does not mean freedom of Christianity.

Another straight cis Christian man, PrepperWork Shop, said this (and many other atrocious things): "and a man and a woman is not some deviant behavior most faggots are kid fiddlers."

I'd call him out, but the other commenters did it so much better than I ever could. Particularly a rather badass woman named Ariella.

Here's what she had to say (among many other awesome things): "Really? 'Most homosexuals are kid fiddlers?' Because...I was raped as a kid by a straight man. So, yeah. Exhibit A."

And here's what PrepperWork Shop told her in reply: "Well you shouldn't have provoked it."

He just victim-blamed her for being raped. As a child, by a grown man.

Honestly, there is just so fucking much wrong with both of these men. As Ariella puts it: "you deserve to die. You and Pittman both deserve to go to prison and be forced to pick up the soap every single fucking day for the rest of your lives until the other inmates drag you off and torture you both until you die screaming."

*wide-eyed slow clap*

The things people say on the internet. Just those things.

I do believe Ariella concluded this post better than I could.

1 comment:

Radioactive said...

I copied and pasted Ariella's last comment...just highlight the white space.