Unselfish Love
I've been told that queer relationships are 'selfish'
That our love is inferior, is sinful, isn't even real
But when I fell in love with a girl,
My affection couldn't ever be described as disgusting
Is love when you just want to be
With the object of your desire?
When you can talk with her,
About anything in the world?
When her laugh is the sweetest sound,
When you are continually amazed by her?
When you can imagine spending the rest of
Your life with her?
When she makes you laugh when you know
You're about to cry?
I've been told queer relationships are 'selfish'
That our love is inferior, is sinful, isn't even real
But when I fell in love with a girl,
My affection couldn't be described as disgusting
Love isn't disgusting
Whether it is romantic or platonic.
Not everyone among us,
Those you deem freaks and sinners,
Less than human,
Unworthy of respect,
experiences that strange desire for romance...
But why is platonic love lesser?
Why is romance so centered?
I fall between romantic and aromantic,
And my love is partly platonic
But it is not inferior
It is not lesser
Because our bared bodies look so similar.
Because I am both man and woman
I've been told queer relationships are 'selfish'.
Selfish? For wanting to be with her?
Selfish? For demanding bodily autonomy,
Not just for myself but for my queer siblings?
Selfish? For calling you out on your hypocrisy,
Your refusal to follow the First Amendment
That you have used to condemn me?
No. I am not selfish.
You are, because freedom of religion
Is not just freedom of Christianity.
Because what I do with my body
Is no one's business but my own
Because I demand agency,
But your discomfort is apparently
More important than my autonomy.
I love God. I respect Jesus
And his legacy of love
But you,
You have destroyed that
With the theocracy,
And the murders,
And the 'reparative' therapy
That you would call democracy.
Fuck your religion
Because you have taken that loving legacy
And you have used it to shed the blood
Of anyone who isn't your cookie cutter clone
I don't buy this 'love the sinner, hate the sin' crap
Because no matter what you pretend,
You still have blood on your hands.
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