Friday, April 10, 2015

The Truth About Conversion Therapy

Pray the Gay Away - EXPOSED

This is Laci Green's video on conversion therapy. Please just watch.

1 comment:

Radioactive said...

TW: mentions of self-harm and suicidal behavior, Leelah Alcorn-related issues
Thankfully, the use of conversion therapy on minors is now illegal in the US - but not necessarily in other countries. The damage done by conversion therapy is horrifying and needs to END for ALL kids.

And even though American queer kids can't be forced through anything worse than what we already have, the psychological trauma American survivors of conversion therapy - and those who weren't lucky enough to survive - have experienced still remains.

If you know someone who has been through conversion therapy, ensure that they get any help they need.

And if you would EVER put your child or anyone else through this, fuck you. You don't deserve to be a parent. You don't deserve to be a friend. You don't deserve ANYTHING because you clearly lack a moral compass and basic human decency. You would really rather someone you claim to love be suicidal and self-destructive than alive and healthy the way they are and for that you are the scum of the earth.

If you think you may have been through something similar to conversion therapy, know that your experiences are valid and your life is important. You matter and you are AMAZING the way you are. You are a fucking treasure, you hear me? If you need or want ANY help in your recovery, please don't ever feel like you can't ask for it.

Not all experiences with conversion therapy are the same, there is no such thing as a perfect survivor, and all experiences are valid. Here is some more research on this topic:

As I said, not all experiences with conversion therapy are alike. There are camps for 'praying the gay away.' If you, say, stalk someone online in an attempt to change their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, that's conversion therapy and just as damaging mentally as having ice, hot coils, and electrified needles on your hands. If you attempt to harass someone into becoming straight or cis, that's conversion therapy. If you use religion in any way, shape, or form to attempt to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity, that's conversion therapy. It doesn't matter what your intent was. What matters is the fact that you hurt someone deeply and terribly in a way that can't be taken back. If they self-harm or commit suicide due to what they have experienced, you are just as responsible for whatever had done to them as if you had been holding the knife.

Again, to the survivors: you are worth it. You are beautiful. You are absolutely extroardinary as your fabulous queer or trans self, because that's YOU. YOU are a miracle. YOU are a treasure. You deserve any help you need or want in recovering. You deserve to survive and you deserve to be healthy, not for anyone else but for YOURSELF.

To the ones who weren't lucky enough to survive: We will never forget.