Sunday, May 3, 2015

Because Queer Isn't a White Identity

I'm finding so many positive things for black queer and trans people on Tumblr, and so many positive things that tell me what I - and all other white queer and trans people - can do to be allies to our black siblings. Here are some great links:

11 Black Queer and Trans Women Discuss Self-Care

#BlackLivesMatter: 5 Ways to Amplify the Voices of Trans and Nonbinary Folks & Cis Women

Also, I unfortunately found this...but I'm going to use it to spread awareness. (TW: t slur, misgendering, nonconsensual outing of trans women, n slur from someone who may or may not be black)

{Image description: a screenshot from a Verizon phone, showing a message on Instagram. Someone calling themselves Prince Javionn is outing the trans women of Chicago. His message reads: These are all tr*nnies of Chicago!!!! ~several emoticons~ & I'm exposing them because they not letting these n*ggas know that they are men ~more emoticons~}

So, yes. Someone's outing the trans women - so far, all of his victims are  black - of Chicago. And most trans people, DMAB trans people and trans people of color especially, know how dangerous that is. If you have an Instagram account, report Prince Javionn and his campaign to out trans women so he is forced to stop. Support our black trans sisters.

And remember to use the #BlackLivesMatter, #TransLivesMatter, and #BlackTransLivesMatter hashtags on social media.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


So when experimenting with title and URL choices for the ace blog, I discovered that both Aced It and A Deck of Aces were unavailable. So, sadly, was The Cake Squad. I kind of want it to be an ace joke though, and jokes are apparently a big thing in ace culture.

I did find that we could use A Team of Amoebas. Also, maybe Asexy and We Know It? Or The Black Ring Society? Can we vote on names? I think we should vote on names.

Aced It?

I'm considering making this a group blog for youth on the asexual spectrum (everyone can still read it and it's still going to be inclusive and cover a wide range of feminist issues; only the asexual mods would be able to make posts). I have a cousin who is aro and gray-heterosexual, so I'm definitely inviting her to join. And I have one friend who is sex-repulsed aro ace and another who is gray-aromantic and aceflux. I'm asking all of them to join, but we could always use more! Please apply for a mod position in the comments below if you're interested.

I'm looking for:

  • Anyone on the asexual spectrum (gray-aces are always included)...
  • Who is between the ages of 13 and 25.
  • You can be sex-repulsed, sex-positive, or sex-neutral...
  • Or you can choose to not label yourself as any of those.
  • All romantic orientations are welcome
  • All religions are welcome, but reminder that while we will discuss religious issues the blog itself is still going to be secularist and skeptical, and will not pander to anyone's religious beliefs
  • I'm the head mod. If I say you're gone, you're gone.
Preference will be given to:

  • people of color
  •  atheists
  • agnostics
  • pagans
  • Muslims
  • Sikhs
  • Jews
  • Buddhists
  • Bahai'i people
  • Satanists
  • women
  • nonbinary people
  • Disabled people
  • fat people
  • Autistic people
  • People in multiple systems (at least one of you has to be on the ace spectrum, and only ace-spectrum alters are allowed to contribute)
  • Polyamorous people (yes, asexuals can be polyamorous)
  • Sex workers (yes, asexuals can be sex workers)
  • Intersex people
  • Trans people
  • Poor people
  • People with any kind of birth "defect"
  • Chronically ill people
  • Feminine people
  • People living in developing nations (but you have to speak enough English that I can understand what you're saying)
Things that are not allowed on this blog:

  • Homophobia
  • Biphobia
  • Arophobia
  • Acephobia
  • Transphobia
  • Truscum
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Ableism
  • Fatphobia
  • Classism
  • Antisemitism
  • paganphobia
  • atheophobia
  • Islamophobia
  • whorephobia
  • Christian supremacy
  • femmephobia
  • kinkphobia
  • tone policing of marginalized people
  • silencing of marginalized people
  • nativism
  • erasure of marginalized people
  • comparing marginalized people to animals
  • objectification
  • hypersexualization
  • desexualization
  • Slurs
  • intersexism
  • binarism
  • cultural appropriation
  • Tucute

If this happens, the title I'm voting for is either Deck of Aces or Aced It.