Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Please Get off the Counter -Mod Frey

(caps lock warning)=(CL)

If you are at an establishment in which the cashier is also the bagger of your purchases than please follow this short list of courtesy's 

--lean over the counter to look at the screen, it is an invasion of the cashiers personal space it is also against store policy pretty much everywhere.

--let your children run behind the register, the cashier may be too nervous to tell you to collect your child but trust me the cashier does not want (CL)ANYONE BUT THEMSELF(CL) behind the register at any time.

--put your child on the counter, While a few cashiers do understand that your child is not in fact a big dirty mess maker some still wont allow the little one up there, at all, just dont do it their not supposed to be there the counter is for merchandise only

-- try to bag your own items or take your bags from the cashiers side of the register, if there is a counter between you and the bag than don't touch the bag.

--tell the cashier about your day, their busy and more often than not just don't care

--place your items on the counter in order from heaviest to lightest so that the cashier may bag them in a manner most convenient to the both of you

--wait for the cashier before sliding credit/debit/gift cards

--wait for the cashier to hand you your items (CL)AND(CL) reciept before leaving, especially if you've paid with a card often times if the reciept hasn't printed than your payment has not gone through correctly and if you leave without paying than the cashier (CL)WILL(CL) get in trouble and possibly be fired.

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