Friday, January 2, 2015

Leelah Alcorn

Okay, I think most of you can tell I would have strong feelings about Leelah Alcorn and her suicide.

To catch you up to date: Leelah was a young trans woman - my age, actually - who was raised in an abusive fundamentalist Christian family. Her parents isolated her from society, refused to acknowledge that she was a girl, and took her to psychologically damaging conversion therapy to turn her into their "perfect little straight Christian boy." Leelah posted her suicide note on Tumblr, explaining her situation and pleading with all who read it to "fix society" and realize that with so many young trans people committing suicide every year, something's fucked up. She then walked out into traffic and was struck by a tractor trailer, killing her instantly. I never knew Leelah, but her death is one of the saddest things I've ever heard about.

Apparently, not even Leelah's mom, Carla Wood Alcorn, who is part of the reason her daughter died, has taken her daughter's message or feelings as anything more than a delusion. Nor does Mrs. Alcorn seem to have any respect for her daughter. I've already summed up what I know of her abusive behavior toward her daughter - the behavior that made Leelah feel that death would be better than living the way she had been.

This is the Facebook message Mrs. Alcorn posted on the day of her daughter's suicide: My sweet 16-year-old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck. Thank you for the messages and kindness and concern you have sent our way. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

So. Many. Things. First, Alcorn is misgendering and disrespecting her daughter, even after Leelah came out to her as transgender and had already asked for permission to transition, by using the wrong name and pronouns. Second, she is ignoring the fact that Leelah's death was a suicide - and why Leelah felt the need to commit suicide. Third, Leelah was seventeen when she died. What kind of parent doesn't know their own kid's age? Fourth, she is disrespecting Leelah's beliefs as an atheist. Leelah didn't believe in God, and although I personally believe Leelah is in eternal paradise right now, it was wrong and disrespectful of her mother to discuss the religion that motivated so many people to disrespect her when announcing Leelah's death.

But we shan't waste more time on the abusive little snot known as Carla Wood Alcorn, yes? She doesn't deserve it. What we do need to do is answer Leelah's cry for change by doing these things:

1. Make sure that Leelah's story is not forgotten.
2. Respect transgender people as valid and valued.
3. Outlaw conversion therapy.
4. Keep a better eye out for child abuse, especially of neurodivergent (because Leelah had clinical depression) and LGBTQIPAD+ kids, and make sure that abuse is ended immediately,
5. Teach about gender diversity in schools. The earlier, the better. Kids can handle things better than you'd think. It's their parents who can't.
6. Campaign for Leelah's gravestone to say Leelah Alcorn, NOT Joshua Alcorn.

Rest in peace, Leelah Alcorn. We will fulfill your dying wish and we will bring change.

1 comment:

Radioactive said...

Here is a copy of Leelah's suicide note. It was originally on Tumblr, but her Tumblr page was taken down.'s%20wifey-note.html