Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Things that should not be said to Asexuals.

"Why do you make (insert genital name) jokes if you don't like sex?"

I am asexual, that does not mean I have no sense of humor, sometimes these jokes are funny.

"Don't you care about your partners needs?"

Of course I do! I just think that they should care about my needs as well.

"So you're asexual, like you just don't like dating?"

Really dear? I said aSEXUAL not aROMANTIC, I am still quite happy with romance

"I bet I could fix that ;)"

I don't need fixing

"You just haven't met The One"

Life's not a rom-com, there is no 'One'

"You're being selfish!"

No I'm not, you are


TotallyFancyGoatee said...

Mod Frey Here, this is my first post and it's a long time coming, I was having a few anxiety issues I'd rather not discuss that had me thinking I was not supposed to post, anyhow this is the first one please forgive me if it's poorly worded as I am not accustomed to writing thing's for multiple people to read

Radioactive said...

There's also the notorious Masturbation Question, the "you're just hard to please", and the assumption that our asexuality is caused by something wrong with our health. Those concerns would be understandable, except both Mod Frey and I have chronic disabilities and yet I for one am rarely asked about the problems caused by my hypoglycemia. I'm also a pale, blonde, blue-eyed, freckled ball of skin cancer waiting to happen, and I frequently forget to wear sunscreen - where's the questions about that? Where's the questions when I have headaches because I forgot my Concerta or am tired, weak, and cranky because I couldn't get to sleep the night before because of my autism*? I got fewer questions when I had a panic attack in front of a friend and spent the next several hours feeling weak and sick and rocking back and forth, hiding my face and trying not to cry because I just wanted to be alone, than I did when I told a straight girl I didn't want to date** or have sex and had to drag her off to an aro ace friend of ours who was better at explaining this than I was.

*While I don't dislike my autism or ADHD and have huge disability pride, and love the amazing things I can do because of them, like hyperfocus, they also do cause some problems for me that other people don't really understand, which is part of the reason I'm oppressed for having them.

**In another comment, I mention wanting an emotionally intimate relationship with a woman. But since part of my fluxation (fluxing?) toward romance includes romance aversion, I doubt I'll ever have a truly romantic relationship. I'd be more comfortable in a queerplatonic one with some romance when we're both comfortable with that. I might call my zucchini my girlfriend or partner, but it wouldn't be a romantic relationship by amatonormative standards.