Wednesday, August 20, 2014

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

I was looking at my blog statistics just now to check how many views I've gotten today. The number? One hundred fourteen views. That's the highest number of views I've gotten in one day since I started We are the Rainbow. And my views of all time? Eight hundred sixty-six in two months, with readers from ten different countries. It's all kind of amazing; when I started, I never dreamed I'd be so successful.

For years, it's been my dream to change the world through writing. But I can't do that without you wonderful people, my amazing readers, and of course God - my eternal best friend and the motivation behind much of my writing. So thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone who's read this blog and spread the word to others. And thank you, God, for giving me the inspiration to write this.

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thanks again, everyone!

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