Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Stars are Fading

The serialized story blog is up! I have five characters shown in a character chart - Lena, Jesus (pronounced hay-soos, like on The Fosters), Cam, Gillian, and Adrian, in that order. I'll start up the actual story the minute I have time, but I'm in North Carolina at the moment for a family function, and I'm going back to Michigan on Labor Day (and after that, I'm starting my junior year). I haven't seen any relatives yet - most of them are staying at other hotels, so I'm going to just walk around for the moment. It's really pretty down here (hot, yet pretty...that sounded vaguely dirty...) so I don't want to miss anything. I'll try to keep you guys updated, but no promises.

Link to The Stars are Fading

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