Sunday, April 19, 2015

Survey Results (Thus Far)

Responses to the Allosexism and Amatonormativity Survey:

  • 44.4% of respondents are asexual
  • 22.2% of respondents are gray-asexual
  • 5.6% of respondents are demisexual
  • 11.1% of respondents are bisexual
  • 11.1% of respondents are heterosexual
  • 5.6% of respondents are an unlisted orientation

  • 55.6% of respondents are aromantic
  • 27.8% of respondents are gray-aromantic
  • 5.6% of respondents are demiromantic
  • 5.6% of respondents are homoromantic
  • 5.6% are an unlisted romantic orientation

  • 77.8% of respondents had been assigned female at birth
    • 28.6% of female-assigned respondents are women and girls
    • 14.3% of female-assigned respondents are agender
    • 35.7% of female-assigned respondents are genderfluid
    • 14.3% of female-assigned respondents are part of an unlisted gender(s)
  • 22.2% of respondents had been assigned male at birth
    • 50% of male-assigned respondents are women and girls
    • 25% of male-assigned respondents are agender
    • 25% of male-assigned respondents are men and boys

  • 22.2% of respondents are Christian
  • 27.8% of respondents are atheists
  • 5.6% of respondents are agnostic
  • 28.6% of respondents belong to an unlisted religion
  • 5.6% of respondents are witches
  • 5.6% of respondents are Sikhs
  • 13.3% of respondents declined to reply to this question

  • 88.9% of respondents are white
  • 5.6% of respondents are Polynesian
  • 5.6% of respondents are Asian

  • 20% of respondents reported coming from an abusive, toxic, or destructive family environment

  • 6.7% of respondents reported having been sexually abused or raped. The sexual orientation(s) of said respondents are unknown.

  • 13.3% of respondents are upper-middle class
  • 53.3% of respondents are middle class
  • 13.3% of respondents are lower-middle class
  • 20% of respondents are poor

  • 6.7% of respondents are out to their families
  • 40% of respondents are out to their friends
  • 6.7% of respondents reject the idea of the closet
  • 13.3% of respondents chose an unlisted option
  • 33.3% of respondents declined to answer

  • 33.3% of respondents are teenagers
  • 33.3% of respondents are in their twenties
  • 6.7% of respondents are in their thirties
  • 36.7% of respondents declined to answer

Allosexism and Amatonormativity
  • 58.3% of respondents on the aromantic spectrum had been told that their romantic orientations don't exist
  • 72.3% of respondents  had been told their sexual orientations don't exist
  • 29.9% of respondents had been called an allosexist slur
  • 66.7% of respondents had been overlooked, erased, or silenced in the queer community
  • 33.3% of respondents had been told that they were cold or unloving for being on the asexual spectrum
  • 6.7% of respondents had experienced corrective rape

  • 66.7% of respondents believe acephobia is real
  • 66.7% of respondents believe arophobia is real
  • 66.7% of respondents believe allosexual/alloromantic privilege is real
  • 60% of respondents believe the A in the LGBTQIA+ alphabet should not stand for 'ally'
Note that these statistics only indicate people who had taken the survey after I revised the form.

1 comment:

Radioactive said...

I'm still accepting responses.